Monday, 27 December 2010

The winter sales are killing me. In my working life the shop is overwhelmed by the metal sale racks that lie like a spine down it's centre; it obstructs movement and sight and is downright annoying. In my personal life I have been left disappointed by the meagre offerings that the Topshop and H&M sale have provided and am distraught to find that my much loved and much talked about Kate Moss fur trim dress has been relegated to the sale rack or more probably, the floor. Yesterday I bravely attempted a Boxing day browse, Santa has been good to me and I have vouchers to spend and I have often found the Topshop winter sale to be the most lucrative with lots of sequins and embellishment at a reduced rate. Just last year I found a fringed cropped t-shirt with sequin shoulders that I wore approximately one hundred times in 2010. This year was a different story. As soon as I walked in I wanted to leave, there were people physically pushing and it appeared that the most successful way to look through the racks was to join a giant, evil, conga line. As I snaked through the shop I was shocked to find that the majority of the merchandise was bundled on the floor, probably not ideal when people's feet are in a constant state of sodding due to the weather. The clothes that had manged to cling on were unsurprisingly rubbish, or a size 22.  I couldn't handle it so I went downstairs to seek solace in the positively calm environment of the full price stock, however, it was a wasted journey and nothing caught my eye. Feeling defeated, and with the neon pink gift card burning a hole in my pocket I went for one last scan of the sale and in a moment of madness I picked a cropped spotty jumper up off the floor and fought my way to the till. I wore the jumper today despite it being a size 16, I think I might wait until the sales are over before I venture out again because who knows what I might buy next time.

Monday, 20 December 2010

on the blogging naughty list

OK so I realise I haven't blogged in over a week and I realise that this is bad blog etiquette but I've been busy, it is Christmas after all. The month of December is passing me by in a haze of bad cracker jokes, dodgy karaoke and copious amounts of festive spirits. My bank balance is dwindling and my waistband is expanding yet Christmas is my favourite time of year. There is a wonderful feeling of excitement in the air and although I have done nothing but complain it is fair to say that the snow does look magically festive. Today I made cards and wrapped some presents, I had far too much fun with the tape dispenser, I really need to get a life! Wrapping is one of my favourite things about giving presents, I like my gifts to look almost too nice to open, I also find that outlandish wrapping hides the fact that the gift I am giving isn't actually very good.

I am aware this hasn't been a triumphant return to my blogging best but I have Christmas morning quiches to test, chocolate tree decorations to eat, not to mention the fact that I am working every day until Christmas. One of my New Year's resolutions is to be a better blogger, that and the ubiquitous 'lose a stone' so bear with me people, hopefully I'll get my groove back. Xx

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

brain freeze

There is something about the snow that seems to throw my world into disarray. My room is a bombsite, my fashion choices are abysmal and I am suffering from writer's block, a severe brain freeze. The pavements in Edinburgh currently resemble sheet ice so sensible shoes are a must, this means my new brogues haven't even had a look in and don't even get me started on my Michelin man appearance caused by my constant need to layer. This weather couldn't have come at a worse time, yes I know it's winter but it's also party season and pretty dresses don't look wonderful with rubber boots. All I ask is for one icy sludge free day so that I can wear my beautiful new Snow Queen dress with appropriate footwear at the weekend. The dress, a caped, fur-trimmed Kate Moss for Topshop number is a beauty and I intend to post pictures once it's had a good iron and I'm all glammed up, it deserves to be shown off.

My purchase of the week: an adorable velvet and leather satchel which I spotted whilst out shopping with the lovely Morven. Sadly the handbag that I have used every day for the last year decided to give in to the weight of my worldly possessions so really this was a necessity rather than a frivolous purchase. Whatever helps me sleep at night.  That's all from me tonight, I have one episode left of Mad Men Season 4 to watch and I'm craving a Don Draper fix.

Satchel, ZARA

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Blog Envy.

I love reading other people's blogs and there is no shortage of material out there, everyone is at it. I started blogging as part of my studies but soon it became a hobby; I love writing and I like to talk about myself therefore this seemed like the perfect outlet. The problem is the more good blogs I stumble across the more self-deprecating I am about my own; does it lack content, wit, good visuals? As I said I love to write but I want to write well, I am trying to make a career out of this after all. One of my very worst traits is my jealousy; at times I can be unattractively green and recently I have found myself suffering from a pretty severe case of blog envy. It is not just one blog I am jealous off, I find something great in every one I read and I am constantly trying to take inspiration from them on how to improve mine. Unfortunately no matter how much I try to change it, it always ends up the same-it is unequivocally 'me' and surely that it what a blog should be?

I am by no means a fashion expert yet I love fashion therfore that is what I choose to write about the most. Blogs like fashiontoast and FrouFrouu are amazing and highly aspirational but these girls have high-end wardrobes, photographer friends with fabulous cameras and model looks. I am a normal person, a graduate looking for her 'dream' job and currently failing to find it. For the first time in a while I have actually had spare money to spend on clothes and that excites me, so I write about it and take pictures with my Dad's pretty average camera. I love music and food too (not that you would have guessed or anything) so sometimes I write about that. One day, I hope that I can make this blog everything that I want it to be but for now I am just happy to have people reading.

The incredibly wintry conditions over the last week or so have meant I have had to invest in a new hat. Picked up this wee bobble hat today in Topshop, I need something that would go with both my winter coats (one is navy and one is olive green) so I thought this neutral colour was perfect. I love the furry bobble and am pretty tempted to buy it in maroon too!