Tuesday, 25 October 2011

crisp and white

Oddly enough the title of this post does not refer to snow, Britain's most feared weather type. No, in fact, what it is in reference to is my current quest to find the perfect white shirt.

During my formative years I found white shirts to be the bain of my existence: finding a school shirt that fit over my relatively full bosom but didn't look like it belonged to my dad was virtually impossible. These shirts were thin and ill-fitting constantly showing off my brightly coloured lacy La Senza bras. Ghastly.

The white shirt I long for now is a far cry from that so detested by my younger self. I want something clean and classic, not fitted but not manly. Feminine with an androgynous twist. Ideally I also want it to have cowboy style collar tips. Is that really to much to ask?

Monday, 24 October 2011

#TodayImWearing Round-Up 1

OK so I know there are 7 days in a week and only 4 pictures here but in my defence I only started on Wednesday and normally I can discount Sunday on account of spending the majority of my Sundays in my joggers or fleecy leopard print pyjama bottoms. This week I didn't get a Saturday picture but to be honest nobody needs to see me in my gym stuff. For those of you wondering what the hell is going on here I have started to tweet #TodayImWearing pictures so if you don't already you should follow me @charlotte_leith. I can't promise the pictures will be nice nor can I promise the chat will be exemplary but every so often I say something relatively funny (at least I like to think so).

1. topshop jumper, ASOS pleated skirt
2. vintage lambswool jumper, topshop leather shorts
3. leather jacket, black skinnies, t-shirt, detachable fur-topshop, dr. martens boots from schuh
4. topshop grey sweatshirt, red jeans from primark

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

tweet tweet

I’ve been on Twitter for a while now and I am slightly more regular with my tweeting than I am with my blogging (and by tweeting I mean trying to befriend Rick Edwards). As I have said approximately 100 times in the past I have neglected this blog and I really do intend to change this; I am considering going for a complete overhaul, I feel like even the name of my blog is a bit stale and tired. One of the best things about fashion is that it is constantly changing and evolving so why can’t a blog do the same? Anyway, in the interim, until I decide exactly what I want to do I have started a daily #TodayImWearing on Twitter complete with pictures taken in my oh so glamourous office! This is not instead of the blog but is merely to supplement my irregular posting. If you’re interested in taking a look you can find me at charlotte_leith on Twitter.


Monday, 3 October 2011

If you're not gonna blog, DON'T HAVE A BLOG?! It's kinda simple.

The title of this post is a comment that I received yesterday on my last post and I'm ashamed to say I now feel the need to justify myself. I created this blog, first and foremostly, for myself. Writing has always been something I love and blogging began as a hobby for me. The fact that people read what I write is a wonderful and often surprising bonus.

Over the last few months I have not given the blog enough time and this is something that I intend to rectify however I have been living a busy and fulfilling 'real' life. I now get paid to write, about shoes no less, and perhaps my creativity is spent by the time I come to blog. I am also acutely aware that my blog, compared to hundreds like it, is inferior. I do not look like a model nor do I have the clothes or equipment to produce fashion magazine perfect shots.

I am not naive enough to think that everybody will like what I do here but I do believe that I have a right to exist regardless of how often I post.

While I've not been blogging I've been...
Dip dying my hair pink

Lusting after these GORGEOUS velvet trousers. Image courtesy of ASOS

Baking Cookie Monster cupcakes