Wednesday, 19 October 2011

tweet tweet

I’ve been on Twitter for a while now and I am slightly more regular with my tweeting than I am with my blogging (and by tweeting I mean trying to befriend Rick Edwards). As I have said approximately 100 times in the past I have neglected this blog and I really do intend to change this; I am considering going for a complete overhaul, I feel like even the name of my blog is a bit stale and tired. One of the best things about fashion is that it is constantly changing and evolving so why can’t a blog do the same? Anyway, in the interim, until I decide exactly what I want to do I have started a daily #TodayImWearing on Twitter complete with pictures taken in my oh so glamourous office! This is not instead of the blog but is merely to supplement my irregular posting. If you’re interested in taking a look you can find me at charlotte_leith on Twitter.



  1. I actually just started following you on Twitter recently! I'm @maistagueule... Looking forward to your #TodayImWearing updates x

  2. Your blog is hilarious! I love it!

