Sunday, 12 September 2010

Lady in grey

This weekend I finally purchased an item of clothing that I have been lusting after for months. No, not the Mulberry Alexa or the nude and black Chanel pumps, I am now the proud owner of a pair of grey cotton Nike jogging bottoms. I imagine the most fashionable amongst you are shivering at the mere thought of this fashion monstrosity but I have no shame.

My slight obsession with the ‘grey cotton’ (as they are affectionately known to their biggest fans) started some years ago when my younger brother got a pair. A fan of lounging around the house he did not seem to want to take his off and soon enough he had a variety of different pairs however they were always grey, and always Nike.

It soon became evident that Robin was NEVER going to take the trousers off, he wore them to the shops, when out with friends, and much to my horror even out to a restaurant. The only time he didn’t have them on was when he was at work, just as well as I really don’t think they could be considered under the smart/casual dress code his employers suggest.

As a big fan of leisure wear myself I simply had to try them on and see what all the fuss was about. Within seconds of pulling them on I was converted; it was like walking around in a cloud, my legs felt like they were being hugged by baby lambs. I had to have a pair.

Why do they have to be Nike? I do not know, but Robin assures me that other brands do not compare. And why do they have to be grey? Well for me grey is the original, it is the grey that has intrigued me over these past few years and I also think that grey is slightly classier.

Can a jogging bottom ever be classy I hear you ask? Last year’s sport luxe trend suggests so; I only wish I’d taken advantage of that trend at the time. Ultimately as long as you don’t have your hand in your crotch like the majority of jogger wearers you’ll be ok. And I don’t intend to wear mine out of the house, much.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, now I absolutely have to comment. I came across your blog via Cats and Rocking Chairs, and all the way through I've been thinking "wow, that's a coincidence, me too"... I live in Edinburgh, went to Aberdeen Uni, write a fashion blog, own a large proportion of the clothes you own, just got the same Michael Kors watch you did for my birthday... and am obsessed with those Nike trackies. They were the clincher, as they are such an unlikely obsession, and one that (given the ripping I get for writing about fashion for a living whilst wearing tracksuit bottoms to do so) I didn't think I'd ever find another fashion blogger writing about. I'm wearing them right now. I would marry them if I could.
