Monday, 27 September 2010

Today I stubbed my toe

I have somewhat neglected the blogosphere for the last few days and the reasons for this are two-fold. Firstly, I have done nothing worthy of writing about. While I am happy enough to ramble on about myself and tell stories which truly expose me as the klutzy and slightly boring fool that I am I understand that blogs should be exciting and current. And currently I am wearing my PJ's for the second day in a row, not glamorous.

Secondly, I am in a bit of a funk. While this has probably not been helped by my slovenly choice of attire, I am not feeling much like taking photos of myself and posting them online for the world to judge. I say the world but I would be lucky if this blog has even made it further than my garden gate. Since returning home I have been seeking solace in carbohydrates, not a good move therefore today I began a healthy eating regime. The plan now is to become a beautiful and mysterious waif, maybe this will help me get a job and then maybe even a boyfriend.

On the subject of gainful employment however tomorrow I am returning to Schuh for a couple of shifts. Selling shoes is what I do best, alongside interpretative dancing and karaoke. The benefit of going back to retail? The discount of course, and I already have my eye on a pair of wedged Clarks desert boots although probably not wise to spend my wages before I've even worked a shift. Hopefully the running up and down the stairs will help me drop a few pounds for Operation Babe too. I promise loyal readers that I will try and update you on my fast-paced and fabulous life more regularly from now on, try not to get too excited.

I love these even though they are very wrong. SCHUH £99.99

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