Monday, 27 December 2010
The winter sales are killing me. In my working life the shop is overwhelmed by the metal sale racks that lie like a spine down it's centre; it obstructs movement and sight and is downright annoying. In my personal life I have been left disappointed by the meagre offerings that the Topshop and H&M sale have provided and am distraught to find that my much loved and much talked about Kate Moss fur trim dress has been relegated to the sale rack or more probably, the floor. Yesterday I bravely attempted a Boxing day browse, Santa has been good to me and I have vouchers to spend and I have often found the Topshop winter sale to be the most lucrative with lots of sequins and embellishment at a reduced rate. Just last year I found a fringed cropped t-shirt with sequin shoulders that I wore approximately one hundred times in 2010. This year was a different story. As soon as I walked in I wanted to leave, there were people physically pushing and it appeared that the most successful way to look through the racks was to join a giant, evil, conga line. As I snaked through the shop I was shocked to find that the majority of the merchandise was bundled on the floor, probably not ideal when people's feet are in a constant state of sodding due to the weather. The clothes that had manged to cling on were unsurprisingly rubbish, or a size 22. I couldn't handle it so I went downstairs to seek solace in the positively calm environment of the full price stock, however, it was a wasted journey and nothing caught my eye. Feeling defeated, and with the neon pink gift card burning a hole in my pocket I went for one last scan of the sale and in a moment of madness I picked a cropped spotty jumper up off the floor and fought my way to the till. I wore the jumper today despite it being a size 16, I think I might wait until the sales are over before I venture out again because who knows what I might buy next time.
Monday, 20 December 2010
on the blogging naughty list
OK so I realise I haven't blogged in over a week and I realise that this is bad blog etiquette but I've been busy, it is Christmas after all. The month of December is passing me by in a haze of bad cracker jokes, dodgy karaoke and copious amounts of festive spirits. My bank balance is dwindling and my waistband is expanding yet Christmas is my favourite time of year. There is a wonderful feeling of excitement in the air and although I have done nothing but complain it is fair to say that the snow does look magically festive. Today I made cards and wrapped some presents, I had far too much fun with the tape dispenser, I really need to get a life! Wrapping is one of my favourite things about giving presents, I like my gifts to look almost too nice to open, I also find that outlandish wrapping hides the fact that the gift I am giving isn't actually very good.
I am aware this hasn't been a triumphant return to my blogging best but I have Christmas morning quiches to test, chocolate tree decorations to eat, not to mention the fact that I am working every day until Christmas. One of my New Year's resolutions is to be a better blogger, that and the ubiquitous 'lose a stone' so bear with me people, hopefully I'll get my groove back. Xx
I am aware this hasn't been a triumphant return to my blogging best but I have Christmas morning quiches to test, chocolate tree decorations to eat, not to mention the fact that I am working every day until Christmas. One of my New Year's resolutions is to be a better blogger, that and the ubiquitous 'lose a stone' so bear with me people, hopefully I'll get my groove back. Xx
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
brain freeze
There is something about the snow that seems to throw my world into disarray. My room is a bombsite, my fashion choices are abysmal and I am suffering from writer's block, a severe brain freeze. The pavements in Edinburgh currently resemble sheet ice so sensible shoes are a must, this means my new brogues haven't even had a look in and don't even get me started on my Michelin man appearance caused by my constant need to layer. This weather couldn't have come at a worse time, yes I know it's winter but it's also party season and pretty dresses don't look wonderful with rubber boots. All I ask is for one icy sludge free day so that I can wear my beautiful new Snow Queen dress with appropriate footwear at the weekend. The dress, a caped, fur-trimmed Kate Moss for Topshop number is a beauty and I intend to post pictures once it's had a good iron and I'm all glammed up, it deserves to be shown off.
My purchase of the week: an adorable velvet and leather satchel which I spotted whilst out shopping with the lovely Morven. Sadly the handbag that I have used every day for the last year decided to give in to the weight of my worldly possessions so really this was a necessity rather than a frivolous purchase. Whatever helps me sleep at night. That's all from me tonight, I have one episode left of Mad Men Season 4 to watch and I'm craving a Don Draper fix.
My purchase of the week: an adorable velvet and leather satchel which I spotted whilst out shopping with the lovely Morven. Sadly the handbag that I have used every day for the last year decided to give in to the weight of my worldly possessions so really this was a necessity rather than a frivolous purchase. Whatever helps me sleep at night. That's all from me tonight, I have one episode left of Mad Men Season 4 to watch and I'm craving a Don Draper fix.
Satchel, ZARA |
Thursday, 2 December 2010
Blog Envy.
I love reading other people's blogs and there is no shortage of material out there, everyone is at it. I started blogging as part of my studies but soon it became a hobby; I love writing and I like to talk about myself therefore this seemed like the perfect outlet. The problem is the more good blogs I stumble across the more self-deprecating I am about my own; does it lack content, wit, good visuals? As I said I love to write but I want to write well, I am trying to make a career out of this after all. One of my very worst traits is my jealousy; at times I can be unattractively green and recently I have found myself suffering from a pretty severe case of blog envy. It is not just one blog I am jealous off, I find something great in every one I read and I am constantly trying to take inspiration from them on how to improve mine. Unfortunately no matter how much I try to change it, it always ends up the same-it is unequivocally 'me' and surely that it what a blog should be?
I am by no means a fashion expert yet I love fashion therfore that is what I choose to write about the most. Blogs like fashiontoast and FrouFrouu are amazing and highly aspirational but these girls have high-end wardrobes, photographer friends with fabulous cameras and model looks. I am a normal person, a graduate looking for her 'dream' job and currently failing to find it. For the first time in a while I have actually had spare money to spend on clothes and that excites me, so I write about it and take pictures with my Dad's pretty average camera. I love music and food too (not that you would have guessed or anything) so sometimes I write about that. One day, I hope that I can make this blog everything that I want it to be but for now I am just happy to have people reading.
I am by no means a fashion expert yet I love fashion therfore that is what I choose to write about the most. Blogs like fashiontoast and FrouFrouu are amazing and highly aspirational but these girls have high-end wardrobes, photographer friends with fabulous cameras and model looks. I am a normal person, a graduate looking for her 'dream' job and currently failing to find it. For the first time in a while I have actually had spare money to spend on clothes and that excites me, so I write about it and take pictures with my Dad's pretty average camera. I love music and food too (not that you would have guessed or anything) so sometimes I write about that. One day, I hope that I can make this blog everything that I want it to be but for now I am just happy to have people reading.
The incredibly wintry conditions over the last week or so have meant I have had to invest in a new hat. Picked up this wee bobble hat today in Topshop, I need something that would go with both my winter coats (one is navy and one is olive green) so I thought this neutral colour was perfect. I love the furry bobble and am pretty tempted to buy it in maroon too!
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
broguish charm.
I seem to have acquired two pairs of new shoes this week and you may notice a theme, I love brogues. In my opinion brogues are the perfect combination of masculine and pretty and they are so versatile. Although I don't think I need to justify these purchases as in real life they are actual very different; the top pair were a Primark bargain at just £12 and have a small stacked heel whereas the second pair are boots, they are lovely soft leather and they have the least sensible snow sole ever, unfortunate in Edinburgh's current white out. Ah well all this snow is giving me the chance to break out my Rockness Hunter wellies again.
The third picture is my new favourite purchase (Jumper, £46 TOPSHOP) and the picture doesn't do it justice. The delicate crochet and bronze embellishment will make it a perfect alternative to the woolly Rudolph Christmas jumper plus it will look great over a bikini top in the summer months. Definitely going to be featuring this bad boy in a few outfit posts. This entry is a little bland but it's late on a Monday night and I think the arctic weather conditions are freezing my brain, I'm off to catch up with Misfits on 4OD. What did we actually do before TV on demand and Sky+?
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
i'm so heavy in your arms.
Dress (worn as top) H&M, Shorts TOPSHOP, Coat URBAN OUTFITTERS
So it's another 'Here's what I wore today', tediously bad photography and even worse facial expressions but at least I am working on my editing skills! I love this dress, it is amazingly baggy and scandalously short, so much so that I feel constantly exposed when I'm wearing it but it just so happens to make a nice top too. When I bought these shorts I said I wanted to wear them with everything yet before today they had only had one outing so I decided that leather was perfectly acceptable for day wear and put them on today. The only downside was that I had to take them off midway through my dinner (DELICIOUS tapas courtesy of Dad).
The coat is from Urban Outfitters this time last year and I adore it, it's the first winter coat I've ever had that didn't automatically make me feel 2 stone heavier just putting it on. The mannish shape is pretty flattering too, and I love navy.
I have to say I am currently harbouring a MAJOR bag crush. Like most sane people I am desperately longing for a Mulberry bag and have been for quite some time. What is not to love about the effortlessly chic Bayswater or the achingly hip Alexa, named after the queen of British cool Alexa Chung? And now, just to torture my meagre back balance further Mulberry has brought out another beauty, the Edie. A cross between the Alexa and the Bayswater I have been having dreams about this piece of hand luggage, I need it in my life. But, until I win the lottery or get myself one of those mythical 'real jobs' I'll have to make do with my trusty Marks and Spencer's handbag, full of crumbs and adorned with broken zips.
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The beautiful Edie Campbell with the beautiful Mulberry Edie (Small) |
Monday, 22 November 2010
Top, H&M Shorts, £32 TOPSHOP Necklace, Very old and discoloured TOPSHOP number |
Still trying to get to grips with the idea of outfit posting so here is today's attire. Not very exciting I know but the chilling winds made me reach for the tights and long sleeves. I love these shorts which I first wrote about in October however I was devastated when I realised they were dry clean only due to the leather trim. I teamed them with this stripy top, firstly because it is never off my back and secondly because I like the way it almost looks like a comfortable onesie.
I had hoped to post a picture of the delicious Thai beef salad I had for dinner but the smell was so enticing I couldn't prevent myself from eating every last morsel immediately.
I have been listening to a lot of Beach House recently, despite the summery name their music is dark and otherworldly, perfect for these cold and unforgiving winter nights. Give them a listen.
Thursday, 18 November 2010
about time too.
I know, I know, I am a sham of a person full of empty promises when it comes to updating this blog. I have been busy with other things but that is no excuse, like dancing on the podium in Liquid night club I gotta give the fans what they want. So here is a brief round up of my week; I dressed up as Boy George, I wore a top knot on a night out and ended up looking like a bald hunchback, I went to the theatre, I unsuccessfully hunted for Michelle McManus, I started the world's worst health kick in which I consumed a Nando's and a Domino's and I discovered how amazing Foals new album is. I live the life of an international superstar.
In case you were wondering I was dressed up as Boy George for my Uncle's 80's themed 40th birthday party, I had planned on going as Madonna but I thought that was an obvious choice. Sadly, I was one of three Boy George's and not only was I the only female attempting it I was also wearing all my own clothes. Thus imagine my horror when guests proceeded to approach me and comment on how uncanny the resemblance was, a fact which my Mother vehemently agreed with. Not exactly an ego boost. I do love dressing up though so I suppose my costume was a success however I doubt I caught the eye of the hot bar man.
When I went on my shopping spree as detailed in last week's post I bought a brown faux leather top from Next which I had tried on before and found to be too small so this time I bought the bigger size. I really wanted it to be right but upon getting it home I realised that I had been caught up in the fitting room excitement of it all and in fact this one was too big. This was unfortunate but there is always a thrill about taking something back to the shop, it's almost as if you have licence to spend that money elsewhere. In this frame of mind I went to H&M, a shop which sometimes overwhelms me with the amount of rubbish it stocks however every once and a while I find a gem. On this occasion I was lucky.
As you may have gathered from this blog I have a love for all things leather, and pleather for that matter. If it looks like it may have come from an animal then I am sold, odd considering up until a few months ago I was in fact a vegetarian. At the moment H&M is in leather look overdrive and I for one am delighted. When I spotted the simple black shift with the pleather panel on the front I was determined to make it mine even though the biggest size I could find was a medium. Thankfully it was a forgiving medium and I fell in love instantly. I cannot wait to wear it with a chunky gold chain, a look inspired by Olivia Palermo. Despite seeming like a total witch on The City I adore her and am highly flattered whenever anybody mentions a resemblance between us, her style is amazing.
Wow this is turning into a novel of a post but then again we did have a whole week's worth of inane chatter to catch up on. I will come to an end soon but first I want to remind everybody that there is a free Nails Inc polish with Glamour again this month. Nails Inc loves a promotional give away and for that I am grateful as I always feel guilty spending over a tenner on a nail varnish, not guilty enough not to keep doing it though, Anyway this time there are four colours to choose from and after a good fifteen minute deliberation in W H Smith at Glasgow Queen Street station I decided to go for what appeared to be a pink/coral colour. Upon trying it out at home I regretted this decision immensely; it took three coats of 'Warwick Avenue' before I got a solid colour and it wasn't a particularly nice colour at that. I should have been wary of something that was named after a Duffy song.
In case you were wondering I was dressed up as Boy George for my Uncle's 80's themed 40th birthday party, I had planned on going as Madonna but I thought that was an obvious choice. Sadly, I was one of three Boy George's and not only was I the only female attempting it I was also wearing all my own clothes. Thus imagine my horror when guests proceeded to approach me and comment on how uncanny the resemblance was, a fact which my Mother vehemently agreed with. Not exactly an ego boost. I do love dressing up though so I suppose my costume was a success however I doubt I caught the eye of the hot bar man.
Such a babe. |
When I went on my shopping spree as detailed in last week's post I bought a brown faux leather top from Next which I had tried on before and found to be too small so this time I bought the bigger size. I really wanted it to be right but upon getting it home I realised that I had been caught up in the fitting room excitement of it all and in fact this one was too big. This was unfortunate but there is always a thrill about taking something back to the shop, it's almost as if you have licence to spend that money elsewhere. In this frame of mind I went to H&M, a shop which sometimes overwhelms me with the amount of rubbish it stocks however every once and a while I find a gem. On this occasion I was lucky.
As you may have gathered from this blog I have a love for all things leather, and pleather for that matter. If it looks like it may have come from an animal then I am sold, odd considering up until a few months ago I was in fact a vegetarian. At the moment H&M is in leather look overdrive and I for one am delighted. When I spotted the simple black shift with the pleather panel on the front I was determined to make it mine even though the biggest size I could find was a medium. Thankfully it was a forgiving medium and I fell in love instantly. I cannot wait to wear it with a chunky gold chain, a look inspired by Olivia Palermo. Despite seeming like a total witch on The City I adore her and am highly flattered whenever anybody mentions a resemblance between us, her style is amazing.
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My doppelganger. Or not. |
Dress £24.99 H&M |
Wow this is turning into a novel of a post but then again we did have a whole week's worth of inane chatter to catch up on. I will come to an end soon but first I want to remind everybody that there is a free Nails Inc polish with Glamour again this month. Nails Inc loves a promotional give away and for that I am grateful as I always feel guilty spending over a tenner on a nail varnish, not guilty enough not to keep doing it though, Anyway this time there are four colours to choose from and after a good fifteen minute deliberation in W H Smith at Glasgow Queen Street station I decided to go for what appeared to be a pink/coral colour. Upon trying it out at home I regretted this decision immensely; it took three coats of 'Warwick Avenue' before I got a solid colour and it wasn't a particularly nice colour at that. I should have been wary of something that was named after a Duffy song.
Also got this cute wee furry bag from H&M for only £14.99. Steal. |
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
What I wore today.
My friend Morven who has an ace blog and is totes a major babe has told me she wants me to do outfit posts so here is my mediocre attempt. I only had time to take these photos as my Dad kindly gave me a lift to work as I was really running late so this is exactly what I was wearing today. The picture quality is rubbish and my makeshift tripod consisted of my desk and sewing box but I thought I'd test the waters. Ignore the state of my room, and the hideous look on my face, I am off to have a scone and watch The Apprentice.
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BARBOUR quilted jacked, H&M belt, PRIMARK Jeans and very old boots from SCHUH. |
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
two for tuesday.
It's Tuesday, potentially a more depressing day than Monday in my humble opinion. Tuesday seems so far away from the upcoming weekend and the hazy memories of the weekend past have long since vanished. Domino's Pizza clearly decided to cash in on the Tuesday blues when it launched it's 'Two for Tuesday' buy one get one free deal and what better way to cheer up the day than by eating yourself into oblivion. Fortunately for my waistline, tonight my Dad made me a lovely dinner of steamed sea bass with ginger and spring onion therefore I am now feeling virtuous rather than experiencing the dreaded Domino's downs. However since it is a Tuesday I have decided to give you 2 blogs in one.
As I mentioned in a previous post last week was pay day, having not had a decent wage for the last year or so it is safe to say I went a little bit crazy. First on my hit list was something leather, I love leather and it is all over the shops this season however it always comes at a price. Already the proud owner of a studded black leather skirt which I picked up in the Topshop sale a few years ago I know that a little bit of leather can give every outfit a fashionable edge without seeming too try-hard. This time round I went for buttery soft tan leather shorts. Short enough to be sexy but with a cut which meant they had a classic finish when teamed with a silver silk shirt, I want to wear them with EVERYTHING which is definitely the sign of a good buy!
I also felt it was my duty to buy a new pair of shoes, a girl can never have too many pairs and working in a shoe shop is torture. I generally find that I pick out a pair of shoes that nobody else really likes and try to win them round, this is not only a personal challenge but I like the fact that my taste isn't necessarily the same as everybody else's. This time last year there was a Rocket Dog ankle boot in stock which caught my eye; wedged and lined with fleece there was something about it that I thought was appealing however I am ashamed to say that the Rocket Dog label put me off as it is a name more commonly associated with dowdy mothers and their pre-teen daughters. This year however I could not resist and I bought the boot in tan. Perfectly on trend for this season they have already carried me, fall-free, through two nights out although unfortunately the relentless Edinburgh rain and grimy nightclub floors have left them a little marked. Nothing a suede brush can't fix though, I am a shoe professional after all!
As I mentioned in a previous post last week was pay day, having not had a decent wage for the last year or so it is safe to say I went a little bit crazy. First on my hit list was something leather, I love leather and it is all over the shops this season however it always comes at a price. Already the proud owner of a studded black leather skirt which I picked up in the Topshop sale a few years ago I know that a little bit of leather can give every outfit a fashionable edge without seeming too try-hard. This time round I went for buttery soft tan leather shorts. Short enough to be sexy but with a cut which meant they had a classic finish when teamed with a silver silk shirt, I want to wear them with EVERYTHING which is definitely the sign of a good buy!
Leather Shorts £68 TOPSHOP, Faux Fur Scarf £20 URBAN OUTFITTERS |
I also felt it was my duty to buy a new pair of shoes, a girl can never have too many pairs and working in a shoe shop is torture. I generally find that I pick out a pair of shoes that nobody else really likes and try to win them round, this is not only a personal challenge but I like the fact that my taste isn't necessarily the same as everybody else's. This time last year there was a Rocket Dog ankle boot in stock which caught my eye; wedged and lined with fleece there was something about it that I thought was appealing however I am ashamed to say that the Rocket Dog label put me off as it is a name more commonly associated with dowdy mothers and their pre-teen daughters. This year however I could not resist and I bought the boot in tan. Perfectly on trend for this season they have already carried me, fall-free, through two nights out although unfortunately the relentless Edinburgh rain and grimy nightclub floors have left them a little marked. Nothing a suede brush can't fix though, I am a shoe professional after all!
Muddy Boots, Rocket Dog at SCHUH £74.99 |
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
what katie did...
Well it's finally here, Kate Moss's last collection for Topshop hit the shops and the world wide web today and I am actually quite impressed. It's hard to believe that this is her 14th collection and I have to admit that somewhere between the second and third lot I simply stopped paying attention. The debut range caused quite a stir and after being previewed in all of the glossies everybody had their eye on one of the 'key' pieces and unashamedly I did too. I needed the yellow pansy print playsuit, if I didn't have it my life would not have been worth continuing and thankfully I stumbled into Topshop Aberdeen the day they got their first replenishment delivery. I loved that playsuit, no wait I STILL love that playsuit; it fits well, it looks great and like Miss Moss herself it's timeless. It's no wonder that this time round Kate has re-released some of her most iconic and popular pieces.
Of course there were some major flaws in Kate's clothes. Because items are inspired by things in the model's own wardrobe there tends to be a pretty obvious theme; everything is made to look good on a supermodel. Backless, low cut and sheer are all major players, not great when you are a healthy size 12/14 with an ample bosom. And while the heavily embellished and sequin items are beautiful they are very expensive and not necessarily the most practical pieces. Moss's bohemian style while perfect for her doesn't necessarily translate that well for the masses either and this meant that often the less popular pieces were relegated to the bargain bin, not that I am complaining as I picked this gem up last winter.
This collection I think is a fitting way for Kate to end her collaboration with chum Phillip Green; she has used a variety of fabrics and silhouettes and there is an excellent selection of casual garments alongside the lavish party wear. And of course it all reeks unmistakeably of Moss. Whilst wearing these clothes doesn't turn you into one of the world's biggest supermodels it's about as close as most of us will get. Kate Moss remains a style icon and we are simply sheep.
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I want this 'Iconic' Panther Dress (£100) but it's already sold out! |
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Sheepskin Bomber (£250) |
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Gorgeous Velvet and Lace Shorts (£60) |
Monday, 1 November 2010
I nailed it.
Tonight I decided to paint my nails since as usual there was far more nail on show than varnish. Not content with just topping up my favourite Chanel Rouge Noir and inspired by a segment that I'd seen in this week's Look magazine I decided to give leopard print nails a go. The result is questionable, for some reason I thought I would take inspiration from Spring Summer 2011 and went for a neon base which unfortunately needed 3 coats just to be visible, the other colours are a little bogeyish in hindsight but it is just after Halloween so I'm gonna keep it for a couple of days. Next time I might try it with more traditional colours. On the subject of nail polish, I read in a magazine recently that Rimmel has a matte top coat at the moment so I intend to purchase that on payday in order to nail (see what I did there?) this season's biggest nail trend.
This post hasn't been too exciting but I get paid on Thursday and intend to purchase some new goodies so prepare for a long and self indulgent post about my new buys! And, as promised here is a picture of me and my friends at Halloween:
Sorry about the dodgy picture quality, apparently my camera doesn't like neon. |
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Monster Munch, The Cat in the Hat and Oscar the Grouch! |
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
I LOVE HALLOWEEN. Sorry about the lack of posts but I have been working on my costume for the weekend, I am heading up North to Aberdeen to see Cassius at the Forum. If this Let It Bleed event is anything like French dreamboat DJ Mehdi's night last year it is set to be spooktacular! Must get back to my needle and thread, more costume details to follow but for now just know that it involves white fur!
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Ugh. This week is getting me down. My parents are away on holiday and I have been left on doggy watch so of course this would be the week she chooses to cut her paw and then rather than leave it alone proceed to lick and gnaw at it like a ravenous beast. This called for a trip to the vet where I paid £65 for a nice man to put some cream on her cut and weigh her, daylight robbery. I was sent home with said cream and antibiotics the combination of which has made the smells coming out of Dotty give me the boke.
I also have SERIOUS clothes cravings too which weren't helped by the pages and pages of beautiful winter delights in this week's Look which I stupidly bought on Tuesday at work to read while I drank my potentially stolen Starbucks. This sounds more crimewatch than it actually is, it was busy and I was in a rush so I took the first skinny vanilla latte that was ready without considering that it may have been somebody elses, no harm done. I want everything in the shops right now but I need cable knit socks and this ace leather t-shirt from Next. Next has really upped it's game recently and has a few really nice A/W buys.
Obviously like everybody else in Scotland I have been moaning about the cold but secretly I have been loving wearing my ace vintage coat, it's so cosy and the fur collar means it instantly dresses up my jeans and high tops. Of course then the bottom button would have to pop off only to be picked up and chewed by the disabled dog. Standard.
I hope next week treats me more kindly.
I also have SERIOUS clothes cravings too which weren't helped by the pages and pages of beautiful winter delights in this week's Look which I stupidly bought on Tuesday at work to read while I drank my potentially stolen Starbucks. This sounds more crimewatch than it actually is, it was busy and I was in a rush so I took the first skinny vanilla latte that was ready without considering that it may have been somebody elses, no harm done. I want everything in the shops right now but I need cable knit socks and this ace leather t-shirt from Next. Next has really upped it's game recently and has a few really nice A/W buys.
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Obviously like everybody else in Scotland I have been moaning about the cold but secretly I have been loving wearing my ace vintage coat, it's so cosy and the fur collar means it instantly dresses up my jeans and high tops. Of course then the bottom button would have to pop off only to be picked up and chewed by the disabled dog. Standard.
I hope next week treats me more kindly.
Sunday, 17 October 2010
dutch courage
This summer the clog reigned supreme and from the moment I spotted Alexa in the towering Chanel clogs I knew I had to have a pair (she is my favourite). My only concern was would I be able to walk in them? And which fantastic high street version should I go for?
There is something about the clog which takes me back to my childhood, as a little girl I remember desperately wanting a floral pair but with narrow feet a Start-Rite sensible shoe was more my style. In more recent years as a shoe salesperson the clog had been mostly favoured by aging hippies or arty types but all of this changed this year.
Overwhelmed by the variety of clogs in the shops in the end I opted for a more traditional style than the ones I had seen on Miss Chung; a traditional dutch clog sandal in tan leather. Think Coachella rather than catwalk. Then, imagine my delight when I found the much lusted after Topshop version of the Chanel clog for £20 in the sale, a deal I just couldn't resist.
The BEST thing about summer clogs? They are still massively on trend this season. Teamed with tights or cable knit over-the-knee socks during the day or with bare legs and fur jackets on a night out, they are a great transitional shoe. Just be careful tottering around town though or like me you may end up icing a very swollen foot and limping around clumsily for a few days!
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TOPSHOP add a winter feel to the clog £85 |
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Alexa in Chanel |
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Decent days and nights
So loyal readers I lied when I said I would update this more regularly but seriously you don't want to read about how I sat in my room, alone, in my jogging bottoms watching episodes of Mad Men pretty much every night last week. It just makes me sound sad.
I do sometimes do fun things and this weekend was no exception, I went through to Glasgow for a birthday where I sampled yummy gin and tonic jellies and cupcakes. Very festive. And last night I had a wonderful night with one of my most favourite people in the world. Having no money to spend often makes me forget that Edinburgh is an exciting city brimming with wonderful places to eat and drink. Last night I had a delicious dinner at Mother India's Cafe, the Edinburgh counterpart to Glasgow's famous Mother India. The food was yum and the staff were attentive although there did seem to be a designated glass collector who looked perpetually puzzled by her role.
After dinner drinks were courtesy of Dragonfly Cocktail Bar where I sampled my first ever White Russian, let me tell you it will not be my last. It was a really nice wee place, relaxed and a bit different with an extensive and exciting cocktail list!.The perfect setting for a date if you aren't single and desperate like me. Enough of the self pity though as the last few days have been pretty great and tonight, I have more Mad Men to watch. Don Draper, what a man.
I do sometimes do fun things and this weekend was no exception, I went through to Glasgow for a birthday where I sampled yummy gin and tonic jellies and cupcakes. Very festive. And last night I had a wonderful night with one of my most favourite people in the world. Having no money to spend often makes me forget that Edinburgh is an exciting city brimming with wonderful places to eat and drink. Last night I had a delicious dinner at Mother India's Cafe, the Edinburgh counterpart to Glasgow's famous Mother India. The food was yum and the staff were attentive although there did seem to be a designated glass collector who looked perpetually puzzled by her role.
After dinner drinks were courtesy of Dragonfly Cocktail Bar where I sampled my first ever White Russian, let me tell you it will not be my last. It was a really nice wee place, relaxed and a bit different with an extensive and exciting cocktail list!.The perfect setting for a date if you aren't single and desperate like me. Enough of the self pity though as the last few days have been pretty great and tonight, I have more Mad Men to watch. Don Draper, what a man.
Monday, 4 October 2010
Boxer Shorts
Why is it that when you have money to spend the shops are full of utter rubbish but when you don't have a penny to your name town is suddenly chock-a-block full of everything you've ever wanted? I am a tortured soul, I love clothes yet I cannot afford them, I want new things yet I have nowhere to showcase them. My poverty is my misery.
I was kind enough to receive a £25 Topshop voucher for my birthday last month and wisely I resisted from spending it straight away so that when something I really wanted adorned the rails I would be able to buy it, guilt free. This weekend I decided to venture into Topshop for a 'browse' reminding myself that I would only part with my gift card for something truly exceptional.
I was surrounded by temptation: sumptuous fabrics and silhouettes in navy, tan and burgundy hues. I needed to get out of there however as I scanned the store for the nearest exit I spotted two of my close friends and we stopped for a chin-wag under the beady eye of the balding security guard. It was here, on the rail next to where we had stopped to gossip that a pair of shorts caught my eye.
Navy cotton with a boxer style drawstring and tan leather look waistband they looked comfortable but cool. And it seemed like fate had wanted us to be together. After saying goodbye to my friends I still had the shorts firmly in my grasp, their versatility intrigued me. I bought them. While not exceptional they are exceptionally comfortable, the length is forgiving and they look great with flats and heels alike. I have a feeling they may become a staple piece in this year's winter wardrobe.
I was kind enough to receive a £25 Topshop voucher for my birthday last month and wisely I resisted from spending it straight away so that when something I really wanted adorned the rails I would be able to buy it, guilt free. This weekend I decided to venture into Topshop for a 'browse' reminding myself that I would only part with my gift card for something truly exceptional.
I was surrounded by temptation: sumptuous fabrics and silhouettes in navy, tan and burgundy hues. I needed to get out of there however as I scanned the store for the nearest exit I spotted two of my close friends and we stopped for a chin-wag under the beady eye of the balding security guard. It was here, on the rail next to where we had stopped to gossip that a pair of shorts caught my eye.
Navy cotton with a boxer style drawstring and tan leather look waistband they looked comfortable but cool. And it seemed like fate had wanted us to be together. After saying goodbye to my friends I still had the shorts firmly in my grasp, their versatility intrigued me. I bought them. While not exceptional they are exceptionally comfortable, the length is forgiving and they look great with flats and heels alike. I have a feeling they may become a staple piece in this year's winter wardrobe.
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Shorts £32 TOPSHOP |
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
These boots were literally made for walking, and wearing.
Dark nights, central heating and a smattering of browning leaves on the pavement: autumn well and truly has us in her blustery grip. While it is depressing to say goodbye to summer (did we ever say hello?) I must admit that there is something about this time of year that thrills me. There is so much to look forward to over the next few months; Halloween, bonfire night and of course Christmas as well as the simple pleasures Jack Frost brings like hats and scarves and new winter boots.
Boots are the most versatile shoe a woman can have in her wardrobe, this is not the same for men, for most men boots=JLS wannabe. This time last year like most people I know I lusted after a pair of All Saints biker boots, they were the definitive flat boot of last winter. I was a struggling student however so I searched high and low for the cheapest and most appealing alternative. My search took me to River Island where I found 'The Ones'; soft, distressed leather with laces and a zip, not too butch but substantial enough to get me through what was a long and icy winter.
When in March the snow finally decided to stop I cast the boots aside, my feet longed to wear pumps and trainers and heels again. However this was short lived. As the sun came out I reveled in the few opportunities to get my pasty legs out and the boots just seemed to go with everything; they toughened up my florals and complimented my laid back approach to summer dressing. They were the perfect all-weather, cross-seasonal boot, something I had once believed was a myth. In fact they still are, and I continue to wear them at every available opportunity despite the fact that the sole is wearing thin and the insoles are curled up in the corner of the toe.
Sadly one day, in the not so distant future I will have to invest in a new pair of winter boots and while there will be some pleasure in the hunt to find that perfect pair I will never forget AW09/10 or in fact SS10 or as it will forever be remembered The Year of THE Boot.
Boots are the most versatile shoe a woman can have in her wardrobe, this is not the same for men, for most men boots=JLS wannabe. This time last year like most people I know I lusted after a pair of All Saints biker boots, they were the definitive flat boot of last winter. I was a struggling student however so I searched high and low for the cheapest and most appealing alternative. My search took me to River Island where I found 'The Ones'; soft, distressed leather with laces and a zip, not too butch but substantial enough to get me through what was a long and icy winter.
When in March the snow finally decided to stop I cast the boots aside, my feet longed to wear pumps and trainers and heels again. However this was short lived. As the sun came out I reveled in the few opportunities to get my pasty legs out and the boots just seemed to go with everything; they toughened up my florals and complimented my laid back approach to summer dressing. They were the perfect all-weather, cross-seasonal boot, something I had once believed was a myth. In fact they still are, and I continue to wear them at every available opportunity despite the fact that the sole is wearing thin and the insoles are curled up in the corner of the toe.
Sadly one day, in the not so distant future I will have to invest in a new pair of winter boots and while there will be some pleasure in the hunt to find that perfect pair I will never forget AW09/10 or in fact SS10 or as it will forever be remembered The Year of THE Boot.
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I wouldn't mind these SEE BY CHLOE boots £328... |
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These classic DM's are maybe more in my budget though £74.99 SCHUH |
I love my boots. |
Monday, 27 September 2010
Today I stubbed my toe
I have somewhat neglected the blogosphere for the last few days and the reasons for this are two-fold. Firstly, I have done nothing worthy of writing about. While I am happy enough to ramble on about myself and tell stories which truly expose me as the klutzy and slightly boring fool that I am I understand that blogs should be exciting and current. And currently I am wearing my PJ's for the second day in a row, not glamorous.
Secondly, I am in a bit of a funk. While this has probably not been helped by my slovenly choice of attire, I am not feeling much like taking photos of myself and posting them online for the world to judge. I say the world but I would be lucky if this blog has even made it further than my garden gate. Since returning home I have been seeking solace in carbohydrates, not a good move therefore today I began a healthy eating regime. The plan now is to become a beautiful and mysterious waif, maybe this will help me get a job and then maybe even a boyfriend.
On the subject of gainful employment however tomorrow I am returning to Schuh for a couple of shifts. Selling shoes is what I do best, alongside interpretative dancing and karaoke. The benefit of going back to retail? The discount of course, and I already have my eye on a pair of wedged Clarks desert boots although probably not wise to spend my wages before I've even worked a shift. Hopefully the running up and down the stairs will help me drop a few pounds for Operation Babe too. I promise loyal readers that I will try and update you on my fast-paced and fabulous life more regularly from now on, try not to get too excited.
Secondly, I am in a bit of a funk. While this has probably not been helped by my slovenly choice of attire, I am not feeling much like taking photos of myself and posting them online for the world to judge. I say the world but I would be lucky if this blog has even made it further than my garden gate. Since returning home I have been seeking solace in carbohydrates, not a good move therefore today I began a healthy eating regime. The plan now is to become a beautiful and mysterious waif, maybe this will help me get a job and then maybe even a boyfriend.
On the subject of gainful employment however tomorrow I am returning to Schuh for a couple of shifts. Selling shoes is what I do best, alongside interpretative dancing and karaoke. The benefit of going back to retail? The discount of course, and I already have my eye on a pair of wedged Clarks desert boots although probably not wise to spend my wages before I've even worked a shift. Hopefully the running up and down the stairs will help me drop a few pounds for Operation Babe too. I promise loyal readers that I will try and update you on my fast-paced and fabulous life more regularly from now on, try not to get too excited.
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I love these even though they are very wrong. SCHUH £99.99 |
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
I went to the charity shops in Morningside today and got some amazing bargains! I love second hand clothes, they always have so much character and generally nobody else is wearing them at parties. Here is a little look at what I picked up...
The jumper is Mohair and yes that is a multicoloured glittery thread through it. So sick, so eighties.
The shirt in the middle is really nice teamed with jeans, I loved the grandfather collar and the crazy little man design, it's almost tribal.
The final thing is a cross between a jacket and a cardigan, it will work as both and I love the classic gold buttons.
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
drive me crazy
Edinburgh BEWARE as after five years I have gotten back behind the wheel of a car. Yes, I am once again learning to drive. At ages 23 it seems preposterous that I cannot legally drive a car and believe me I am ashamed to admit this dirty little secret. Not only is driving a useful skill in day to day life it is also a pretty essential skill in my chosen profession hence my current employment predicament.
It's not that I never wanted to drive it's just that my driving career has been somewhat like my love life, abysmally unfortunate. On my 17th birthday I got the ultimate gift, a car. That ancient silver Fiat Cinquecento seemed like the most incredible car in the world to my young eyes, it had a tape player and everything. My biggest obstacle was that I wasn't a very good driver, I was quite nervy and dangerously cautious however after almost a year's worth of lessons plus some help from my very patient Grandfather I was ready to sit my test.
My test was two days before my 18th birthday, and four days before I made the big move up to Aberdeen for University. I imagined I would be making that move in my own car as a driver, how very wrong I was. I knew within 5 minutes I had failed, I was driving like a blind person, yet I soldiered on. I hit the kerb on my reverse park and another driver screamed obscenities at me through the open window yet I kept going. I was even made to do an emergency stop! Obviously I failed, and badly.
I had a lot going on though so with a heavy heart I said goodbye to my friends, my family and my Fiat and moved up North for years of cramming and cavorting at Aberdeen University. I came home for the holidays however and thought that the summer between first and second year would be the perfect opportunity for me to pass my test, I had taken approximately 36 lessons after all. But then, disaster struck...
One balmy summer evening I was watching Big Brother when I heard an almighty crash. My mum ran outside convinced that somebody was trying to steal our wheelie bin, in actual fact what greeted us was car carnage. In my very narrow street, lined down both sides with parked cars, a man had fallen ill behind the wheel and crashed his way up my street. Miraculously nobody was injured however seven cars were written off and one of them was my Cinquecento.
It has taken me this long to get back behind the wheel, not because I am scarred by my past experiences mainly just because I am lazy and I hate it when I am not good at things. However yesterday's lesson went surprisingly well, nobody was injured and I actually remembered what to do. Maybe driving a car is just like riding a bike, you never forget how. Although I am not a great cyclist either.
It's not that I never wanted to drive it's just that my driving career has been somewhat like my love life, abysmally unfortunate. On my 17th birthday I got the ultimate gift, a car. That ancient silver Fiat Cinquecento seemed like the most incredible car in the world to my young eyes, it had a tape player and everything. My biggest obstacle was that I wasn't a very good driver, I was quite nervy and dangerously cautious however after almost a year's worth of lessons plus some help from my very patient Grandfather I was ready to sit my test.
My test was two days before my 18th birthday, and four days before I made the big move up to Aberdeen for University. I imagined I would be making that move in my own car as a driver, how very wrong I was. I knew within 5 minutes I had failed, I was driving like a blind person, yet I soldiered on. I hit the kerb on my reverse park and another driver screamed obscenities at me through the open window yet I kept going. I was even made to do an emergency stop! Obviously I failed, and badly.
I had a lot going on though so with a heavy heart I said goodbye to my friends, my family and my Fiat and moved up North for years of cramming and cavorting at Aberdeen University. I came home for the holidays however and thought that the summer between first and second year would be the perfect opportunity for me to pass my test, I had taken approximately 36 lessons after all. But then, disaster struck...
One balmy summer evening I was watching Big Brother when I heard an almighty crash. My mum ran outside convinced that somebody was trying to steal our wheelie bin, in actual fact what greeted us was car carnage. In my very narrow street, lined down both sides with parked cars, a man had fallen ill behind the wheel and crashed his way up my street. Miraculously nobody was injured however seven cars were written off and one of them was my Cinquecento.
It has taken me this long to get back behind the wheel, not because I am scarred by my past experiences mainly just because I am lazy and I hate it when I am not good at things. However yesterday's lesson went surprisingly well, nobody was injured and I actually remembered what to do. Maybe driving a car is just like riding a bike, you never forget how. Although I am not a great cyclist either.
Sunday, 19 September 2010
Sunday girl
Sunday night blues, a common ailment for those who have to return to uni or work after a heavy and hedonistic weekend. While I have nothing to do tomorrow I have a severe case of the blues, this weekend was ace fun and stretching ahead of me is another week of seemingly endless days and fruitless attempts to secure employment.
I am always sad to leave Aberdeen and my old flatmates, highlights of this weekend included yummy cocktails, delicious food and singing kid’s songs in a nightclub. Good times spent with great people.
I also ventured out in a pair of nude coloured jodhpur style leggings from H and M which I couldn’t resist due to the faux leather patches on the thighs. The jury is still out on them however as in certain lights I appeared trouserless. Not a good look. I still love caramel and nude tones though and there is a pair of buttery suede shorts from Topshop which I NEED in my life.
Thankfully my Sabbath day depression has been somewhat soothed by a roast chicken dinner and an extra episode of the X Factor. I suppose things could be worse...
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Yummy Cocktails were courtesy of Rumour, a pop-up bar in Aberdeen. So good! |
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